Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Bowling Shoes . . .

A couple of weeks ago, I posted some pics of a vendor outing to a local bowling alley after we finished setting up for the Anderson, SC show, and included a shot of my ancient bowling shoes.  On the way home, I got the thought that what I am about to do would be fun, so I gave my dad the task of digging deep into the family albums for one very specific photo. 

And here it comes . . .

bowlingshoes 002

Today, my bowling shoes are 35 years old – and this picture was taken on the day I got them.  It was my 17th birthday.  The other fellow in the picture is my dad, long before the Arizona hiking days.

And yes, I know that his shirt – and my pants – are truly awful.  Remember, it was 1975.


Now that I think of it, I guess we both have weathered pretty well . . .


  1. Happy Birthday, Greg! To you and your bowling shoes! LOL

  2. Happy birthday, Greg! I always enjoy the blog, and the great paper I get from you all at Marcos!
