Sunday, July 18, 2010

Fun in Grapevine and a Class Reunion “Texas Style”

After torturing many (at least that’s what I kept hearing) with several days of looks at what we’ll be doing in our store during the Stamping Gala next month, it was time to cut you a break. So I headed for Grapevine, Texas and Karen & David headed for Syracuse, New York. Haven’t heard anything from Syracuse, but I assume you’re having as much fun up there as we are here.

Our booth in Grapevine has been on the “stage” for several years. Good thing – when I pulled in Friday morning, the promoters weren’t there yet. They were a little startled when they showed up nearly an hour later and found us already hard at work!

We have had the same group of helpers in Grapevine for a long time – Jane, Ann, Margo, Natalie and Suzanne know what they’re doing and setup is always very smooth. Jane, Ann and Margo are sisters, and Natalie is Jane’s daughter-in-law -- she and her husband are missionaries for Athletes in Action and will be heading to Mexico on a new assignment next month. Suzanne is a teacher, and her students would be pleased to know she takes directions as well as she gives them. This time, we had a couple of extra helpers as well . . .

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Jane’s grandchildren Jenny and Devon were visiting from Colorado and jumped right in. Jenny had a hand in everything, and even helped me bag customers’ purchases on Saturday morning. Devon’s task was to hang the molds from Ten Seconds Studio – we assumed that a good bit of “adjustment” would be required later, but we actually moved very little.


We always need scissors, and can never find them. Suzanne solved that problem . . .

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Since Sue Rothamel had other duties in Michigan this weekend, her January “Girl Friday” Jessica took her place at the USArtQuest demo table. I couldn’t resist taking a shot when I realized that Jessica’s parents appear to have lost the “don’t wipe your hands on your pants” child-rearing challenge . . .


Suzanne took on the role of “Girl Friday” . . .

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This was the only picture I had time to get at the front demo table – Ann was doing a Make It/Take It with the “Tweety Jill” products. Words do not describe the job she did – but the empty spots on the gridwall that were very full on Saturday morning tell the story. I tried to get a shot of all three sisters at the table, but Jane got up and scooted as soon as she saw me raise my cell phone!

You may remember that when I was here in January, I rekindled a friendship with Becki Begley – we grew up as adversaries (more or less) in Ohio and “grew up” again in our 50s. For six months, I have looked forward to seeing Becki and her husband again. Often, when you look forward to something for six months, it’s really hard for it to live up to expectations. But not this time . . .


A couple of weeks ago, I sent Becki a text and asked if they wanted me to bring along anything that can only be found in Ohio. Five minutes later, I got the shopping list – Montgomery Inn barbeque sauce, Skyline Chili seasoning mix, and Mike-Sells potato chips. Thank goodness she didn’t ask for Esther Price Candies – they wouldn’t have traveled well in 100-degree heat.

Early this week, I got another text from Becki with a special treat. Our classmate Devela and her husband Brett have also recently moved to the Fort Worth area, and were joining us for a cookout on Friday evening. Growing up, Devela and I got along just about as well as Becki and I didn’t.

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I won’t bore you with a bunch of pictures of people you don’t know – suffice to say we had a wonderful evening. The husbands were very patient while we told stories of our childhood, and even joined in with stories of their own once we moved on to adulthood again. Becki’s daughter Rhiannon was also there and tolerated us well.

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The star of the show was probably Becki & Bill’s dog Jake. He kept us entertained all evening – and we found out that he really likes my homemade ice cream!

Once again, it was a great evening and I can’t wait to come back again in January.

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