We offered to have a party, but Mom preferred a quiet evening with the family. With two grandchildren in college, it's hard to get everyone together. Last night was the best we could do (one grandchild short), since Dad just got back on Wednesday from 10 days hiking in Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado.
My brother Blake and I started planning for a special gift while we were hiking the Grand Canyon back in April. Blake wanted to get her a TV for her kitchen in Arizona. So we put our "personal shopper" to work (Ryan works in home theater at Best Buy) -- but Ryan said nothing comes that small anymore, and suggested we get something for her kitchen here in Ohio and send the little one she uses here to Arizona.
Of course, Ryan wanted to try to confuse her, so she opened the small gifts first . . .
First the card, and then the surge protector -- Mom was confused, but gracious.
Next came the telescoping mount so she can keep it under the kitchen cabinets when not in use. Since the mount said it was for a flat screen TV, she had to know what was coming next, but she still wasn't sure.
The family is enjoying the spectacle -- left to right, my nephew Tyler, my brother Blake, my sister-in-law Lisa, and my son Ryan.
And finally she opens the big box, and then the tissue comes out . . .
And a quick picture for Blake before the boys herded everyone into the kitchen for desserts. We usually spend more time in the kitchen when we get together than anyplace else.
Happy Birthday, Mom!
You are very lucky to have both your parents around. Enjoy every day with them (not just holidays). Once your parents reach a certain age it's hard to find something for their birthday or holiday gift. It looks like she had a nice time with the whole family!!