Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Prayers for Another Friend of Ours . . . and Yours

Just found out this morning that Gary from DeNami Design had a major stroke on Saturday.  I sent some notes back and forth with Nami today and learned that he stumbled and fell on Friday while trying to get out of the way of a car – bumped his head which led to a blood clot.


Thankfully, when Gary started showing symptoms he was talking with an EMT who recognized them and called 911.  Gary made it to the hospital in time to get the clot buster drug and is recovering.  He went home on Monday, but the hospital called and asked him to come back so they could check on something that didn’t look right to them.

You can read more about what happened and see more pictures on the DeNami Design Facebook Page.  Please add Gary, Nami and their family to your prayers – they are amazing people and we are blessed to call them friends.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Yes, We Do Things with Mom in Arizona, Too . . .

Most of my Arizona posts have to do with our hiking exploits – or mishaps, as it was last weekend.  But we do keep Mom occupied while we’re visiting.  Friday evening, the four of us went to the Gaslight Theater (simply required on a visit to Tucson) – but with the time crunch after getting Dad out of Urgent Care, we didn’t think to take a picture this year.  I also took over the kitchen a couple of evenings, but my pics of Mom and Dad sampling my cooking didn’t turn out nearly as well as my food did.

And we spent last evening going through a slide show of all of the pictures Blake and I took on the trail, so we could share the experience with Mom and spare her the aches and pains.


Mom loves to eat out, so Sunday featured a stop at Mimi’s Cafe for brunch with her boys.


We “hike” with Mom a lot as well – but her trails are usually paved.


And no trip is complete without a stop for some haute cuisine at a place that doesn’t exist in our neck of the woods.