Tuesday, November 30, 2010

“The 12 Tags of Christmas” Starts Tomorrow . . .

This is pretty cool – and it gives me a chance to insert a video in this blog, which I have only tried once before.  We got a note this morning that Tim Holtz’ annual “12 Tags of Christmas” starts tomorrow – one tag a day will be posted on his blog at www.timholtz.typepad.com

And here’s the video to give you some inspiration . . .

When you’re ready, of course you know where you can find just about all things Tim Holtz (and several of them are on sale).  But just in case, click here and you’ll go directly to them . . .

And we’re still offering Free Shipping with a $30 purchase for at least another couple of weeks.  So if you can’t stop by our store in Dayton, please go to www.marcopaper.com

Enjoy the tags!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

I’ve Lost My Right to Vote . . .

We had another “Create Your Own Coupon” event in our store Friday and Saturday.  Just like the one we had for Halloween, minus the costumes.  The best coupon will win a $25 Marco’s Gift Certificate.  But Karen called me yesterday and said I would not be permitted to vote on the winner.  Here’s why . . .



I love it!  The first few times I looked at it, I saw something different.  I think Terry Hunsaker is Zoe’s new favorite customer . . .

Friday, November 12, 2010

Return of the Deer Widows . . .

We are in Birch Run, Michigan for Deer Widows’ Weekend.  The show schedule changed this year, so instead of a few hours on Friday evening, we were here from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.  That’s a looooooong day, and I am tired.  Still, there were sights to be seen . . .


This sight greeted the customers as they came into the show.  I titled it Revenge of Bambi.  Gotta love the crime scene tape.

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Even on Friday, our booth was a busy place early in the day.  And we had a new twist – two clear plastic bins filled with paper crafting packs for $1.00 each.  This is the latest product brought to life by Gary’s 96-year-old father-in-law in our back room.


Sue Rothamel was in England doing the British version of QVC, so her Gal Friday, Crystal Copperstone, assumed the big chair in the USArtQuest corner.  I sent Sue an e-mail at the end of the day passing on the customers’ praise of Crystal’s talent – and her response brought the unfortunate news that my application for knighthood had been denied.


Here is one reason why I’m not a fan of long sale hours on a weekday – this was the entire crowd for the giveaway an hour before the show ended . . .


Were you one of those who went home early?  One of these tickets may have been yours – each would have been a winner if the holder of the other half had been present.  Reminder – it never pays to leave a show before it closes.

Monday, November 1, 2010


The response to Halloween Madness in our store was much more than we anticipated (especially with only two days’ notice).  We had handmade coupons galore and more than a few costumes.  Following are some of the highlights and the gift certificate winners . . .


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The winner was Diane Harvey (top left) – anyone who camouflages herself well enough that a good friend can’t recognize her deserves a prize (in this case, a $25 Marco’s Gift Certificate).

Coupons . . .

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There were probably twice as many as this, but these were some of the most creative.  The winner ($25 Marco’s Gift Certificate) was Ramona Downing – her entry is the one in the upper left.  But Gary was so impressed that we decided to award three honorable mentions ($5 Gift Certificate each) to the other three entries in the top row – from left, Jeanette Alley, Lynn Brown, and Nancy Galusha)

Thanks to all who participated!  And due to popular demand, it looks like we’re going to do another coupon contest in about three weeks with a Thanksgiving theme – so you can start creating now!